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FAQ - Top questions


How long does it take to confirm my order?
Orders are confirmed once payment has been completed. You will receive a separate email once your order has been shipped. Please ensure to check your Spam Folder in case our email went to Spam. 

What are your delivery options and how much is shipping?
You may refer to orders and shipping page.

How can I make a purchase?
Shopping with The Therapeutic Co. is easy

  1. To add items in your cart, click on “Add to Cart” for the item you wish to purchase
  2. To change the quantity of the item, change the number in the box under the "Quantity" column 
  3. To review the items in your cart, click on the ‘Update Cart’ link, located at the right of the page
  4. When you are ready to checkout:
  5. If you have an applicable ‘Discount Code’, enter it and click on ‘Checkout’. The total price will be updated with the discount
  6. Enter your name and address, click "Continue to shipping method"
  7. Check your shipping details and click on "Continue to payment method"
  8. Once you are ready to place the order, enter your credit card details and click on ‘Pay now’ and your order summary will appear for your review

You will receive a confirmation email shortly after you have placed your order. Your order is not confirmed until you receive a confirmation email



Is it safe and secure to shop at The Therapeutic Co.?
The Therapeutic Co. prides itself on providing a safe and secure shopping experience. Your personal information is kept secure and private during the entire checkout process. 

What kind of payment method may I use at The Therapeutic Co.?
We accept the following payment options : 

Credit Card - We accept Visa/Mastercard/AMEX

PayPal - Choose to pay securely through PayPal using your debit card or credit card. Registration is free and easy, for more information please visit

Gift cards issued by TheTherapeutic co. Singapore



    Are your products safe?
    Yes. We use raw materials which are all USDA certified.

    I entered the wrong address, what should I do?
    The delivery address for an order must be a valid residential address - we do not ship to P.O. Box or Parcel Lockers. Unfortunately, the delivery address cannot be amended once the order has been paid.